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Within Zion, The Realms of Sharon and the Peaks of Tephoniah There Is Absolutely No Sense of Weariness Nor Feelings of Being Emotionally, Spiritually, Nor Physically Dry Nor Weary Nor Afflicted By Worry of End, Nor Worry Of Length of Stride; For the Abundance of Pleasure, Delights and Satisfactions Within Progression Give Great Joy and Ease of Stride Within the Indefinite Stride; Even In the Infinite Desired Potential of Strides Unto the Eve of those Strides of Immortallity...



From Progressive Strength To Progressive Strength Will The Times of The Inhabitants of The Realms of Olympus; They Will Rise With Abundant Peace, Joy, Bliss, Excitement, Happiness, and Comfort, And They Will Enjoy Their Infinite Desired Potential of Indefinite Stride Unto Indefinite Stride Within Intrigue, Loyalty, Peace, Abundance of Riches, Righteousness, Wisdom, Joy, Bliss, Holy Insight, Holy Inspiration, Holy Intrigue, Comfort, Happiness, Ease of Endurance, Love, Freedom, Food-stuffs, Assorted Drink, Confidence, Blessing, And All That Is Desirable To Their Delight to Do; Will Be Within Their Reach, They Will Enjoy Abundant Satisfaction in The Desire of Their Heart; For their Hearts Will Be Led and Even Inclined To Do What is Good and Right in The Eyes of their Creator... Even In The End of Their Indefinite Stride; They Will Lay Down In The Dusk of the Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potental of Stride With No Form of Resentment, Regret, Panic, Affliction, Curse or Condemnation, They Will Accomplish Their Stride and Lay Down In Peace, Satisfaction, Comfort, Abundantly Satisfied, Bountiful, and With Complete Peace of Mind With Knowledge of The New Dawn of the Next Indefinite and Infinite Desired Potental of Stride... WHAT IS DECIDED UPON IS WHAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED, IS ACCOMPLISHED AND WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By The Source; Amen


The Seven Fleshly Beings Which Are the Seven Horns of the Seven Horned Lamb Have Loosed the Seven Times as a Spiritual Week of Indefinite Strides, and The Fifty Two Times as the Spiritual Year, Of which Was Prepared and The Seven Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb and Those that Follow them Are Now Untied and Enter into The Realms of Sharon Unto the Big-Trees of Tithe, Unto The Pasture of Topheniah and the Grand-Mountains of the Rose as The Realms Belonging to the Seven Spirits of the Seven Horned Lamb of God The Realms Belonging to The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Son of Man of the Head of Days; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon to Oversee The Pastures Allocated Within Their Realms and Times of which Were, Are and Will Be... The Twelve Crops of Tribes of the Seven Spirits Prepared By Jon Alexander Morris within the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah Will Pass Through the Twelve Spiritual Months, Of which Will Have The Spiritual Length of Spiritual Longevity In the Realms of Blessed Inheritance within the Beneficially Progressively Growing in Glory, Beauty and Blessing as Was, Is and Will Be; And the Seven Spirits Will Enjoy their Desired Indefinite Desired Potential of Blessed Stride of If Desiring More Robes than Merely One and Infinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides within the Blessed Pastures of Which May Choose to Return Here If The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; of Jon Alexander Morris; The Rose of Sharon; as Of the Son of Man of the Head of Days is Agreeable To Return If In Mercy He Feels Sorrow For the Decay or Desolation of Other Realms If it Befall's Them, and He Will Again Redeem and Rebuild the Sanctuaries and Refashion Beauty and Blessing In Complete Redemption, and If The Desire to Bring Even More Exaltation to the Indefinitely Lasting and Infinite Realms of Prepared Blessing; Then In That Case That One Will Feel Inclined to Do So, and In Double Portion Will the Blessing, Glory, Beauty and Delights be Brought to Exaltation; Whether Or Not the Path of That One is Never Within Destiny and Is Untied Within Progression For Every of His Return to the Pasture of Hebron; Within the Rose Galaxy Within The Sub-Realm of Reparation and Redemption to those of Which Has Fallen Into Calamity...If the Seven Spirits Choose to Return; After The Seven Spirits of the Returned and The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris of the Returned Seven Horned Lamb They Will Again Rise and Ascend Unto the Eternally Blessed and Overly Abundant Realms of Prepared Blessed Inheritance, Before, Within and Beyond Zion and Will Again the Seven Spirits Will Enjoy their Desired Indefinite Desired Potential of Blessed Stride of If Desiring More Robes than Merely One and Infinite Desired Potential of Blessed Strides within the Blessed Pastures of Which May Choose to Return Here If The Spirit of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; of Jon Alexander Morris; The Rose of Sharon; as Of the Son of Man of the Head of Days is Agreeable To Return...Also Prepared within the Covenant; That Which Attempts to Defraud, or Steal From My Flesh or My Spirit or Works or Inheritance Will Decrease Within Their Flesh or Their Spirit or Works or Inheritance as My Flesh or My Spirit or Works or Inheritance Will Increase as Prepared As Sealed Within the Indefinite and Infinite; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared by The One Creating the Holy Shiloah; Amen

Each Gate Has the Riches of the Inheritance and Due to the Diverse Perspectives and Dispositions May Sing the Verses of the Gates Song in an Infinite Potential of Ways Giving Great Expansive and Diverse Formations of Creation of Which Are Prepared For Our Lord of Spirit's; Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and His Blessed Feature Beyond The Features of Dispositions of His Legions as the Most Glorified, Blessed, Honoured, Righteous, Merciful, Perfect and Exalted of the Dispositions within His Inheritance as Jehovah of armies in Shiloh and Our Lord of Spirit's; The God of Abraham of Abram;
Each Gate and Each within its Inheritance Blessed From The Root of the Inheritance With the Fruit-age of the Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Ease of Endurance, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Loyalty, Self Control, Honour, Righteousness, Wisdom, Strength, Insight, Intrigue, Peace, Glory, and Humility;


After Every Walk of Existence there Grows as If a Callous of Lost Innocence, Of which Will Now Be Buffed Away and Made Soft and Sensitive And From there The Transition If Feeling Unworthy to Righteousness You Will Be As if a Sand Speck Into as it Were in the Embrace of as it Were an Oyster Transitioned into Something Very Precious Of Which Will Be a Transition Within Discretion of The Humiliations and Within Will Be a Knowing of Worthiness in the Eyes of What is Holy and Good, and From There the Transition Will Be as if The Worth of A Precious Pearl Placed in the Strength of Stability of A More Precious Form of As if From Holy Direction and Refining Through the Gentle Pressure of the Holy Spirit of which Guides You to an Even More Precious Position With the Blessings of The Prepared; Honour, Righteous, Dignified, Holy, Worthy, Peaceful, Respected, Satisfied, and Blessed As Within as it Were Coal unto Diamond of the Gentle Guidance and Inspiration of the Holy Through the Translator of The Holy Spirit Which is The Guiding Force Beyond Omega of Which Brings Holiness By Holy Inspiration, And In Truth There Will Be Peace, Joy, Blessing, Righteousness, Honour, Dignity, Holiness, Loving, Satisfying, Pleasurable, Delightful, Comfortable, Restful, and Worthy as These Qualities Progress From Indefinite Progressive Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Progressive Infinite Desired Potential; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

When the Day of The Dawn of Your Righteousness The New Hope Will Be That of a Worthy Disposition Within the True Inner Knowing Of Being Worthy and When That Day Is Firmly Established The Transition Will Be From Righteousness To Exaltation; By The Power of Jehovah's Servant Through the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen


The Entire of the Realms of Inheritance of Olympus; The Pastures of Elysium; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of Olympus; Has The Spiritual Reflective Armour of Which Removes Any Curse Called Down Upon It or Evil Called Down Upon It of Which Was, Is and May Be Called Down Upon It and Places The Curse or Evil Called Down Upon It And Places it Upon the Ones Calling Down That Evil Or Preparing that Curse, The Ones Within the Pasture Will Have All Have that Spiritual Armour, No Matter the Pasture in Which They Choose to Walk or Travel, And The Spirit Of the Holy Congregations of  the Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose Will Stand Guard Over it's Heirs and Chosen Inheritors and They Will Bless The Heirs and Inheritors and Due to The Blessing Received The Heirs and Chosen Inheritors Will Honour the Holy Ones of Sharon and The Land and Heavenly Class Within Will Take Delight in Righteousness, In Truth...


The Spiritual Armour Covering The Realms of Olympus; The Pastures of Elysium; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of Olympus;  In Unity they Are Strenghtened By the Height of Realms Beyond Hebron Unto The Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose, As the Realm Belonging to the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris, The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; the Rose of Sharon; Whihc is His Realm With-Holding His Most Intimate and Trustworthy Ones Within His Realms of 'The Seven Horned Lamb' With-Holding the Pasture of 'Elysium;, With-Holding the Big Tree's of Thalia'; Of Which Are is The Realm that Over-See's The Thirds of Gibeah, Gilead and Gibeon as The Thirds of The Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose


.The Spiritual Armour of the Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris; Of the Rose of Sharon; Of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris, Of the Son of Man of the Head of Day's Overpowers That of All Those Within the Realms In Which He Prepared and Of the Congregations His Spiritual Armour Is The Most Strengthened; However Never Will He Or His Spirit Utilize It With Tyranny Nor Oppression...


The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim, Will Prepare Sumphonies of Orchestrates Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, And Utilize Them To Bring Abundance Satisfaction, Blessing, Honour, Glory, Dignity, Righteousness, Wisdom, Intrigue, Inspiration, Holy Influence In A Way To Bring Honour and Dignity Without Jealousy Unto The Holy Ones of The Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose; The Orchestrates of Those Pastures Will Take Deilght In Blessing The Source Of Their Kingdom, And The Source of Their Pastures and Due to the Blessings, Gift's of Honour, Wisdom, Righteousness, Strength And Dignity Given to The Creator and One Preparing Thier Realms; The Creator of it Will Pour Down Abundanct Blessing Upon Increase; For As He Increases in Blessing; So Will It Reflect in Increases in Blessings Even Upon the Whole Pasture...


The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim Belonging to Chayot TerOphanim Michael As The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Will Strengthen The Boundary of The Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose And They Will Allocate Abundance of All That Is Good; Riches, Delights, Satisfaction, Food, Drink, And Abundant Peace Within the Lands and Pastures; Those Within The Realms of Sharon; The Pastures of Topheniah; and the Grand Peaks of the Mountains of the Rose Will Have No Need For Spiritual Armour; For within those Pastures There Will Be No True Curse, and No True Condemnation, The Inhabitants Will Reflect Blessings Upon and Off One Another and The Curses, Judgements and Condemnations will Not Take Hold of Any Within the Pasture and Rather Than A Curse; There Will Be Blessing... Rather Than Condemnation; There will Be Mercy... Rather Than Affliction; There Will Be Comfort... Rather Than Contention; There Will Be Unity... Rather Than Treachery; They Will Honour One Another... Rather Than Disloyalty; There Will Be Loyalty... Rather Than Faithlessness; There Will Be Faithfulness... Rather than Wickedness; There Will Be Righteousness... Rather Than Mistrust; There Will Be Integrity... What Is Decided Upon Is What Will Come to Pass, What Is Decided Upon is What Will Be, What Is Decided Upon is What Will Be From Infinite Desired Potential Of The Indefinite Unto Infinite Desired Potential of The Indefinite All In Complete Truth... By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Prepared By Source; Amen


Each Gate of Inheritance Is Given Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; The Constant Features; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim or Such, of Which Rise From Each Gate Prepared As The Constant Features; The Orchestrates of Each Gate; Of Which May Resurrect Each Chieftain In What-Ever Land the Chieftain Wishes His or Her Seed to Be Planted, And as a Seed; Each Chieftain is a Multi-Faceted Being as Having One Root From that Seed as the Basic Linear Path of it's Inheritance of Which Branches Into The Multi-Faceted Linear Path's of Time as Having the Potential of Different Songs of Each Time of It's Being Resurrected in its Stance of Ruler-Ship, After the Potential of Infinite Indefinite Desired Potential of That Tree the Tree May Be Cut Down By the Choice of the Chieftain to Sprout Again From It's Root in A Completely New Growth of Expression as a Multi-Faceted Being; And Because of the Constant Feature; Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim They Are Given Memory of Their Previous Stride of Infinite Indefinite Desired Potential Providing True Immortality For Each Gate; As Untied From Destiny as Prepared For Each Gate Within the Many and Infinite Potential of the Diverse Forms of Each Gate; Based on the Disposition and Perspective of the Inheritor;


When the Orchestrates the Constant Feature; Four Living Creature of the Four Winds; Whether Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, Chayot TerOphanim Wish to Rest From the Constant Feature, They Bow to the Seven Lamp-Stands of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb of God; Of Which are Pillars to Creation and Existence; Be It Heaven Or The Living Worlds of Earth; And Beyond Their Rest Unto THEIR Resurrection They Receive a Promotion of Placement As an Orchestrate Unto a Higher Inheritance; Bringing Each Chieftain With Them To The Promotion of Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Stride Unto Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential of Stride....


The Seraphim, Teraphim, Chayot Hakodesh, TerOphanim, And Chayot TerOphanim, Will Prepare Symphonies of Orchestrates Dimensional Fragments of Inheritance, And Utilize Them To Bring Abundance Satisfaction, Blessing, Honour, Glory, Dignity, Righteousness, Wisdom, Intrigue, Inspiration, Holy Influence In A Way To Bring Honour and Dignity Without Jealousy Unto The Holy Ones of The Prepared Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; The Orchestrates of Those Pastures Will Take Delight In Blessing The Source Of Their Kingdom, And The Source of Their Pastures and Due to the Blessings, Gift's of Honour, Wisdom, Righteousness, Strength And Dignity Given to The Creator and One Preparing Thier Realms; The Creator of it Will Pour Down Abundant Blessing Upon Increase; For As He Increases in Blessing; So Will It Reflect in Increases in Blessings Even Upon the Whole Pasture...


For the Gates of Dispensation; With-holding Infinite Dark-Matter, and Infinite Anti-Matter; Of Which Utilize The Gates of Dispensation Through the Orchestrates of Which Are Constant Features of Indefinite and Infinite Realms of The Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; Give Abundance Within Each and Every Realms of the Infinite and Indefinite Blessings;

Prepare the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up and Down, and Prepare A Form of Density Forming through Dark-matter Quantum Deportation and Utilize The Unification Ionic Fusing, Ionic Bonding, Directed Covelant Fusing, Unto Directed Covelant Bonding, Unto Atomic Compound, From Atomic Compound Unto Directed Atomic Bonding, Unto Directed Elemental Fusing, then Directed Elemental Bonding as the Way Of Forming Matter; Within the Destination Point of The "Within" of the Seven Directions Which Is In Sense; Gravity...


Jehovah of Shiloh Please If It Seems Good With You; Please Prepare A Perfect Bond of Union For The Inhabitants of this Prepared Blessing Of the Realms of Olympus; The Big Trees of Thalia; The Pastures of Elysium, and the Peaks of the Olympus of Sharon; Within A Marriage of Exclusive Devotion Their Choice Mate; Please; Jehovah of Shiloh; Before, Within and Beyond Shiloh of Jehovah That We May Serve You In Holiness With Our Mates within An Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite infinite Desired Potential Within Our Inheritances With Dimensional Fragment's of Inheritance of Which Are Of The Most Desired Aspects of To Each Inheritor of The Realms of Olympus; The Big Trees of Thalia The Pastures of Elysium and the Peaks of the Olympus As The Blessed Dispensation, Manifestation, and Creation as Prepared One to the Other Within Perfect Compatibility Of Generous Abundance of The Most Desired Aspects of Love, Passion, Embrace, Communion, Within Complete Grace in Accenting Eachother Within A Perfect Union of Compatibility of which Is In Perfect Orchestrations Maintaining Serendipity, Miracles, Intrigue, Integrity, Loyalty, Trust, Holy Inspiration, Holy Guidance to a Progressively Advancing Path With Generosity of Both Aspects Drawing Closer to One Another As Giving and Receiving The Most Desired Aspects of Potently and Generously Honouring One of the Other in Perfect Union to the Other as Ones Taking Pleasure in The Other's Satisfaction, and Ones Satisfaction in the Others Pleasure In Both Aspects of the Union, Please Place a Constant Feature of Love as if a Light Guiding To The Higher Height as if The Union is Tied to the Constant Feature and as it Climbs the Union Draws Closer and Closer as if As Climbing the Gravity of the  Magnetic Love Drawing Closer and Closer and Deeper and Deeper In Love Within A Perfect Orchestrations of Guided and Inspired and Prepared Path In All Ways Growing and Progressing in Finding More and More Satisfaction and Pleasure Within the Relationship as it Brings More and More Bliss, Enchantment, Grace, Compatibility, Complimentary Communion, Generous in Potent Complimentary Embrace, Generous in Potent Complimentary Passion, Generous in Potent Complimentary Love, and In All Ways Taking Abundant Delight in the Compliment, in All Ways Finding More and More Satisfaction Within the Comfort Within the Realized Beautiful Foundation and Great Reach and Progressive Potential of The Finding More and More Desire For the Compliment of The Perfectly Orchestrated Bond of Union; The Male to the Female and the Female to the Male...


Within This Perfect Bond of Joyful Union, That Which Has Become Known As Sexual Energies Will Be Merely As a Babies Innocence within This Unity, and What is Comparable to The Most Blessed Energy within Realms Indefinite is Merely as an Babies Innocence of Energy Compared to That of Which is In The Unity of This Pleasurable, Satisfying, Holy, Loving, Passionate, Pure, Dignified, Integral, Loyal Perfect Bond of Marriage;  And The  Pleasures and Delights of The Most Precious Gifts Will Be Abounding within the Unity of the Marriage Which Will Have The Infinite Delight's and Pleasures Within Safety to Both Pillars within the Male and Female,  Seven Pillars as Solidly Fixed and Prepared Beyond Time; As Was, Is, and Will Be Prepared in Progressive Blessing


Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; May You Please Give the Gift of The Spiritual Blessings in the Scroll To Me In Every Stance of Life in Which I Descend To; Please Cause it To Become That I Become a Holy One in Your Eyes Negating the Fleshly Perspective and Mortal Disposition And Doing Rather Than What Is Good In Man's Eyes; Please Cause it To Become In Every Stance of Life I Choose to To What is Good In the Eyes of the Holy Ones of the Blessed Realms. I Wish Not To Honour What Is Fleshly; For that Is Temporary, But Instead Utilize The Prepared Offering of Servitude I am Given As Submission to Holy Ones To Accomplish The Desire of the Holy Ones and The Desire Of You My God; And My God; and You Holy Ones; Please Prepare This Blessing For the Holy Ones of the Prepared Blessing of the Seven Holy Spirit's of the Seven Horned Lamb; That Spirit May Begin to Act Through the Holy Ones of the Prepared Congregations Focusing of Spiritual Activity And Negating the Physical Vanity of What is Temporary To Accomplish Blessed Works in the Eyes of the Holy Ones of the Blessed Realm's My God; And May Those of Which Choose This Blessing Gain More Blessing, Glory, Dignity and Honour In the Holy Realms Than those of Which Who Merely Choose to Be Seen as Good in the Eyes of Human-kind.


Please Bless The Strength of My Flesh and Spirit as Always Taking Stance in Defense of the Weaker Vessel of the Female Pillar; as Comforting, Blessing, Honouring, Loving, Respecting and Providing Salvation When Need Be My God; From Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential Unto Indefinite Infinite Desired Potential In Way of Unconditional Love....

By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Source; By The Power of the Holy Shiloah Belonging to Jehovah of Shiloh in Shiloh of Jehovah; Amen

I AM That I AM; Jehovah's Servant; Jon Alexander Morris; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon; The Lion of the Flock of Kah-kholites of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David Morris of the Seven Horned Lamb within the Boundary of Abel of Beth'maacah; The Shilonite

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